The leadership idea


The world has now had enough time to test and prove, the idea of leadership. Hundreds of books, movements, coaches, mentors. Everybody claims they can be, and should be a leader. With so much knowledge and confidence, why the lack of real output? With all these great self proclaimed leaders ruling about why arent we experiencing change as we should? Do we need more books and seminars? Or is it a facade?

Leaders answer questions, solve problems, cast vision, and best of all lead people. I think the world has created a steady flow of followers, like this, like that, go here, follow her, eat this, buy that. Consumers are just followers. The age of creation, and producing is what we should be aspiring for, the next generation should be encouraged to innovate, enjoy, and produce more than they consume. We have enough, we dont need more stuff. We need more leaders that are not just followers in disguise, using modern trickery and techniques to gain the perception of being a leader, without actually going anywhere or leading others. Think ahead, and see where the road you are on is taking you.

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